pumpkin picking

Where there are apples, there are pumpkins.  At least here.  After picking some apples we walked, or in Anderson's case ran, down the hill to get ourselves a pumpkin.  

We had to stop and say hi to Thanksgiving dinner first though...

We're learning that sometimes it's easiest to just pick Anderson up when you want to go somewhere more quickly.  This mostly applies to getting into church on time and for this instance, getting up the hill before his nap.

Anderson spotted this pumpkin and soon realized how heavy it was.  

We ended up sticking with an Anderson-sized pumpkin for him, and got ourselves a larger one as well. I have a feeling we may carve it and then I'll try the trick of dipping it into a water solution with some bleach in it to see if it'll last longer.  Here's to hoping.

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