not so fast, summer. (and a 28 week update)

With the pool closed but the weather still beautiful we have to take advantage of these days.  My Mom and I had been talking about going towards Chesapeake Beach for awhile now and with her friend blogging about the beaches up there we finally got it on the calendar.

We may not live in California but what a gem to know these are an easy day trip!  I think next summer when Anderson probably isn't napping anymore and needs to get out, these will be great to know about.  They're also great to know about when all the big kids are back in school!

We ended up going to Breezy Point mainly because they had restrooms for this pregnant belly of mine. The water seemed perfect but sadly we saw jelly fish about every two feet so there was no way I was going to get in, or let Anderson do the same.  He kept saying, "in it in it!" but we somehow successfully kept him on the shore.
almost 28 weeks
I would have loved to go in as well as water and pregnancy are great friends.  Whenever someone talks about how hard it is to be pregnant in the summer time I remind them that the pool makes you feel weightless.  That said, I do think if I had to live in this heat with a growing belly for another 3 months I'd probably be complaining.

We attempted a nap on the beach in Anderson's stroller which was quite unsuccessful.  He did seem to rest a little though and then we headed a little north towards Annapolis for dinner at Mike's Crab House.  Seafood does not sound good to me so I had a burger while the parents enjoyed fish and clams.  

This restaurant is where we went just a few days before I was induced with Anderson so I said a little prayer that it wouldn't be labor inducing.  We want this little boy to cook for longer than Anderson did!

All in all a great day at the beach that's thankfully not so far away!

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