The story of our home

Here we are. Homeowners.  We feel like we've signed our life away, are super sleep deprived and living like nomads a bit until this weekend.  

People ask about our house, want to see more pictures, and want to hear how we got it. When we found out we had to be out of our apartment by June 1 we started looking for places. We've always been okay with moving outside the city and wanted a place that would be okay driving distance for Benjamin's job too. 

Looking at rentals was super depressing. City life is so pricey for such little space. 

So we went out with a realtor one day who I had met at an open house a few weeks before and essentially the first place we walked into Benjamin said "it's great- I'll take it."  That place is the home we ended up buying.  

Every other home didn't wow us and we couldn't see ourselves in it. So. We low-balled an offer after seeing the home once more, comparing it to others in the neighborhood and sleeping on it. Offer accepted. 

The whole process took a week and was quite the whirlwind considering Anderson and I were both sick and Benjamin was preparing for finals. 

Now we've been painting and gradually moving in. Our furniture will move this weekend and then we'll officially be out in the country. 


  1. It's so fun to get a peek of your new home! Can't wait to see more!

  2. I had a dream about your new house last night! So weird! Cant wait to see the rest of it!!!

    1. That is weird... what happened in the dream?!
