what I'm cooking this week.

Photo Credit from Courtney of Cook Like a Champion

I don't have my cookbooks in front of me right now which means I'm turning to Pinterest and some blogs I've wanted to cook from for recipe inspiration this week.  I think I'll start back into cooking with these two recipes, Red Beans and Rice Soup and then Lentil and Black Bean Soup.  I'll get some good bread, salad ingredients, and dinner will be easy.

These recipes come from the blog Cook Like a Champion.  I had the pleasure of meeting Courtney, Eric, and Clara at the Big Summer Potluck this past summer and hope to see them again this year.  I'm super impressed by her photography and am excited to try these recipes out.  She's also mommy galore having just thrown a super adorable birthday party for little Clara that makes me wonder when she slept in the past month.

photo credit to Courtney of Cook Like a Champion

We woke up to snow this morning which has me less than excited.  These soups will hopefully help me enjoy this cozy weather for only a few more weeks until it's really time to celebrate spring.  I'm ready for it.

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