our life with a 1 year old

You've been missing the lil man, right?  I've missed sharing about him on hear knowing I need to now or else I'll quickly forget what he's been up to.  Things are changing fast around here and clearly he wants to be a big boy, sitting at the big kids table and all.

If "Beep Beep" could be his first words I think they would be.  He's also uttered out the obvious Mamma, Dadda, and I think sometimes Grandpa and Grammy- or Meme.  Thanks to cooking so often and the fact that he watches me make an egg for him just about every morning he tries to say the word "hot."  He also vroom vrooms in typical little boy fashion.  

He's growing up fast and practicing some walking by pushing his little learning table, stools at Grammy's house, and a little car he likes to ride too.  I won't be surprised if we have a walker by Christmas.

The child is clearly his Mamma's boy.  I'm still nursing him 4x a day- when he wakes up, when he goes to bed at night, and before each nap.  Maybe we'll try cutting out the nap time nursings soon.  We'll see.  I still figure it's good for me and good for him.  He loves it and I don't mind it.  In all reality maybe we'll try to cut it out more after the Holidays.  Ideally I'd be ok if he wanted it just at night but didn't need it.  This is coming from me, the little girl who nursed til she was three.  

Lately when I ask him if he's ready to go night night he smiles and jumps up and down.  I'm going to hope the his excitement for sleep continues.  Again, I was the little girl who asked to go to bed.

He's wanting to help more in the kitchen which warms my heart and really looks like such the big boy here washing apples for sauce with his Grammy!

He's eating just about everything minus cow's milk, any nuts, or shellfish. I haven't tried honey either and am frankly in no rush.  I'm under the assumption that waiting longer to introduce these things might be the best idea for us.

We love our sweet boy... our one year old!

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