celebrate we did. a donut cake and a new tradition.

Yesterday my Mom had a momentous Birthday.  You can guess how old she is and I'll just keep it a secret seeing as I think she's looking great and definitely acts seems much younger than she is.  For the occasion I decided it was time to bust out the donut cake mold my Mom's friend gave me before Anderson was born.  I had all the ingredients I needed and the sprinkles in my house as well.

I made the cake Tuesday night with Benjamin's help and as he was carefully shaving the cake down so the sides would fit together and we were giddily stuffing the thin pieces of cake into our mouths I decided this should be our family birthday cake.  What kid wouldn't be excited for a donut cake?  What adult wouldn't be as well?  The recipe on the box was delicious but of course my mind wandered to thinking of how the sprinkles could change for the season, how candles would look so cute in it, and how if we have a girl I could do white icing and pink sprinkles!

It's tough to think of family traditions when your baby is so little, but I think we may have just started one.  Here's to hoping.

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