my goodness you are so gracious

I'm not sure how much I'll blog in the next few weeks, if at all.  In an ideal world I'd have blog posts scheduled, but it's not as high on my list of things to do these days.  Right now I need to finish up wedding details, pack for Ohio, then pack for honeymoon fun in Napa!  In the meantime, thank you to all who are working so hard to make our day so special.  I'm preparing myself, if that's even possible, to be overwhelmed by all the faces I'm about to see in the coming week and flood of emotions when we say 'I Do."  Cheers!

p.s.  I got some of these cards from Etsy- Miss Pickle Press.  Cute, no?


  1. so excited for you Laura! Enjoy these next few weeks.

  2. Anonymous8/12/2010

    Hey Laura.... noticed on facebook and then your website that you are living in Leesburg? Well, I'm here too and would love to have a cooking party/attend one of yours some day!! Where exactly are you living?
    Anyways, congrats on the marriage and I hope to hear from you when you return from your honeymoon!!!
    Ashley See O'Hare
