blue cheese. dates. carmelized onions.

Another impromptu "yeah I have a lot I 'could/should' do but come on over" barbecues of a Sunday. It was communal in the sense that we came together with what we had, and it was great. Yes, more squash was had, but then, I made up a little appetizer for us with some bread, carmelized onions, goat cheese, and dates on top. Popped those babies into a 375 oven and in about 8 minutes when the cheese was nice and hot, salty, sweet, and oh, another drizzle of local honey.

A lesson in caramelized onions. Now is not the time to get out your fat free cooking spray. You need to slice your onion, put some oil in a pan, maybe even a touch of butter, and then let the onions hang out on lower heat for about 15 minutes, letting them get nice and yes, carmelized. About 5 min in I threw in a pinch of sugar.

You probably are going to want to make these now. Pop them into the oven and say, "oh, don't worry about it, just popped in a little something..."

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