my new years blogging resolutions

Although it seems that the blogging hasn't been going on here, I've been thinking about it often.  Thinking about how I want this space to look in the coming year, how it's grown over the past 365 days, and coming up with some resolutions, since that's clearly on all of our minds these days.

1.  This is My Sketchbook.

Growing up I loved taking art classes.  In fact, I took AP Art and scored higher in that than any other AP courses I took.  My best art resulted when I was inspired but didn't compare my work to others.  If I looked over and saw what a classmate was doing I was immediately anxious.  The same rings true today when it comes to this blog.  I wonder why they have so many comments when I do not, I wonder why they chose the design they did, I wonder why I didn't think of the content they did.  This is my sketchbook and mine alone.  I'll chose to try and be inspired, not robbed of joy when reading other's articles, looking at their photography, cooking, and checking out what their kids wore.

2.  This is a Conversation.  I want to Hear from YOU!

Often times I don't write certain things because I don't want to offend people.  This year I'm going to put myself out there more with the understanding that I'm learning in life just like you- about motherhood, parenthood, faith, and how to be a wife among other things.  I don't know the answers- at all- but I want to talk about how to come to some conculsions.

That said I want to hear from YOU.  What do you think?  If you read this blog we must have some common interests, right?

3.  I Can't Do it All.

Oh yes, that wonderful and freeing realization.  There may be breaks here and there.  There will be times like the past few weeks where I hold onto evenings with my husband in front of HGTV instead of the computer before he starts grad school and I have plenty of time to hang out with the keyboard.

4.  I'll Quiet the Rules.

Whoever said there were no rules in blogging was joking.  Bloggers think they should have so many posts a week, do so much on Facebook, only talk about certain things on twitter, etc.  I'll do what I can when I can and not be consumed with the rules out there that I in reality make up for myself.

Have you resolved to do anything this year?  Or like me resolved to not do certain things?


  1. LB, definitely resonated with this post. I've been feeling the pull to "get back to basics blogging." Posting what I want to post about, not what others are doing. Keeping a schedule only if that's helpful for me, etc. I love your blog-- keep up the great work!

  2. Thanks, Becca!
