a thank you prayer for one year of motherhood

Dear Lord,

Thank you for allowing me to be a Mother.  Thank you for a Mom who was such a good one to me and who has helped me be a good one to Anderson.

Thank you for letting me hold him tight, knowing he's not really mine after all, but Yours.

Thank you for the joy he brings me when he smiles or laughs.  When he feeds me a blueberry or holds up a book asking me to read it to him.  Thank you for the way he bounces when he's happy, when he's saying yes, or when he hears music.

In the past year I've grown so much.  I've become more of the woman I believe you created me to be.  I've laughed more, loved more, and it truly has been the best year of my life.

In this next year I pray for continued wisdom as we parent Anderson.  Discernment for what he needs, knowledge to guide him in a way that would bring his little heart closer to knowing You, and more love than I can imagine for our sweet boy.  I pray that he would stay sweet and for those times that he isn't, that you would help me discipline him.

Thank you overall for fulfilling the desires of my heart.  For my son, and for the gift of motherhood.



  1. Laurie Harmer9/23/2012

    This is a beautiful prayer.
    Frame it.
    It made me cry a bit.
    Your a great Momma!

  2. thanks, Laurie. Means a lot coming from such a great Mamma like you!
