Anderson: One Week and the Things I Never Knew

I think this picture describes week one pretty well.  It's a bit emotional (to say the least) for both baby and Mommy.  So much change and for us trips to the doctor every day but one to check his bilirubin levels.  I finally learned how to spell bilirubin after several days of referring to this jaundice term as Billy Ruben.  As far as I was concerned he was an unwelcome visitor in our lives.  To make things worse it was rainy so there was little to no sun to put the babe in.

Thankfully he overcame the jaundice on week two and we didn't have to get his little feet pricked anymore- an experience traumatic for the both of us.  He also went from his birth weight to 6.1, 6.3, 6.9, and an amazing 6 lbs 14 ounces early on in week two!  Good job, champ.

We're eating often- and with that I will say nursing is not easy.  His first week, because of the jaundice, our pediatrician recommended some formula so we could take him home from the hospital with us.  Bad moment for me.  It was like offering him McDonalds compared to breast milk.  After that experience we did some finger feeding with my own milk to avoid bottles (nipple confusion) and are now nursing with some help from modern tools (nipple shield).  Hopefully he'll nurse au natural soon, but until then I'm super thankful for all the progress we've made.

Too much information? I say this because these are the things I never knew.  Nursing is really hard.  I knew it could be, and it is.  It's exhausting too and nothing compared to labor I'd say.  I haven't slept for more than 2 hours in 2 weeks... When we went from 2 hours between feedings to now 3 hours at night I was elated to sleep from 1 am to 3 am- it seemed like a sweet relief.  

In other post-partem news, for all those prego ladies out there get ready for cramps after the fact.  Another thing I never knew could be so strong.  As your uterus contracts down the cramps are really like contractions shrinking it back up- and they can be painful.  Combined with the soreness of pain down below this makes you be a.o.k. with taking the doctors advice of taking it incredibly easy.

And finally, be thankful for family and friends willing to help and bring meals and for Mom's who come and spend the nights on your couch, making sure every one is awake and ready for feedings and changings and pumpings.  Thanks, Mom!


  1. Congrats Laura...stick with the nursing. When Adam was born, he contracted a bacterial infection in the hospital nursery and had almost 9 surgical procedures during his first year of life. I kept nursing...infections, leaking and all. They did not have much to help at that time...but he made it through because the breast milk was all he could digest correctly. So proud of you. Love every minute.
    With love,
    Roxann Hutchison

  2. Go Laura, Anderson, and Benjamin! You all are doing great! Can't wait to see you!

  3. Anderson is lucky to have such a wonderful mother! Those photos are amazing! What a beautiful baby! The picture with the teddy bear is adorable!
